Yap, masih di edisi Winter Wonderland! Kalo edisi pertama aku ngepost foto di depan apartemennya Ucrit, sekarang aku bakal ngepost foto jalan-jalan beneran. Acara kita hari itu adalah Berlin walking city tour ala ala :p (danke Ucrit for being a good guide!) jadi rutenya adalah Berliner Dom --> Berlin Hauptbahnhof --> Reichstag Building --> Brandenburger Tor --> Berliner Mauer. Semua jalan kaki! Kita juga sempet nemu manusia salju, jadi excited gitu karena kemarinnya ga sempet bikin manusia salju. Anyway, since the weather was bad (no sun and maghrib was like at 3 pm), ga semua hasil fotonya bagus, banyak yang gelap (dan aku males ngedit-ngedit). So...I just put the best photos of that day in this post. Enjoy! Xoxo.
Wow, so beautiful as well as your blog!!!
Hi! Thank you ;) Your blog is very great as well ;)