Cherry Blossom Hunting in Paris

Bonjour tout le monde! It's still about last week's trip with my friend, Helen. And it's still spring! We can see flowers everywhere, I think this is absolutely the nicest time to see Paris. What is more beautiful than having a picnic under a cherry blossom tree with Eiffel Tour as the view? Okay, we didn't have a picnic nor hanami though :p But yes, we had a good time there. We took a walk from the Indonesian Embassy to Eiffel (I'm so glad that our embassy is near Eiffel :p), then we did the cherry blossom hunting! 

The only thing I hate about the weather is the heat. It was so hot and we got tanned (we Indonesians don't like to get tanned :P). So we decided to have a glass of iced matcha bubble tea somewhere near Notre Dame. WE MISS MATCHA LATTE! It's so hard to find matcha something (matcha latte, matcha ice cream, etc) here.

After having a glass of bubble tea, we went to Notre Dame and a lovelock bridge near there. When we were on the way to Notre Dame, we found this book shop!!! Shakespeare and Company :') I've wanted to go there since a long time ago, but I just didn't have enough time every time I go to Paris. Even this time I didn't have time to see inside the book store :( I wish next time I can visit this place without being hurried.


  1. Nice pic, Aya. How long you've been in paris?

  2. The photos are absolutely beautiful! :) Paris is one of dream destination XD

    x Stella
    Pastel Boulevard

    1. Thanks Stella! You'll be here someday, I'm sure ;)

  3. Je veux aller à Paris aussi 😂
    Foto2nya sumpah bikin ngiler sis, hehehe
